The Massage Therapist�s Thumb was developed to help massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, and other bodyworkers protect their hands and thumbs while performing their job.
The unique design and shape helps professionals work on the various parts of the body such as the neck, arms, hands, and legs, helping to increase blood flow while relieving muscle tension and knots.
This design helps maintain steady pressure during trigger point work and allows for skin-to-skin contact;
it really becomes an extension of your hand!Reduces pressure on the carpometacarpal joint and thumbGreat for trigger point work
Comfortable grip allows tool to become an extension of your thumb and hand
The Massage Therapist�s Thumb was developed to help massage therapists, chiropractors, occupational therapists, and other bodyworkers protect their hands and thumbs while performing their job.
The unique design and shape helps professionals work on the various parts of the body such as the neck, arms, hands, and legs, helping to increase blood flow while relieving muscle tension and knots.
This design helps maintain steady pressure during trigger point work and allows for skin-to-skin contact;
it really becomes an extension of your hand!Reduces pressure on the carpometacarpal joint and thumbGreat for trigger point work
Comfortable grip allows tool to become an extension of your thumb and hand
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