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You may need a documentation
1 mL BD SafetyGlide™ Tuberculin syringe with 27 G x 1/2 in. BD™ permanently attached needle, regular bevel
This extension of the BD SafetyGlide™ family is the only single-handed device that is available in 1/2 mL and 3/10 mL, in addition to 1 mL sizes.
Product code 305945
ABC: 10009956
***YOUR STATE MAY REQUIRE A documentation ***
By purchasing syringes or needles from DrugSupplyStore.com, you are confirming that you are over 18 years of age and that you intend to use these syringes or needles for the treatment of diabetes or for another legitimate purpose. You are solely responsible for following the laws in your state. DrugSupplyStore.com reserves the right to refuse any order in the event that filling such order would violate any federal, state, or local law or regulation.
These states require us to have a documentation on file: CT, DE, IL, ME, NH, NJ, NY, US Virgin Islands
If your order is shipping to one of these states, you must provide us with a documentation. Your doctor may provide us with a documentation which can be faxed directly from his/her office (1). You may also mail your documentation directly to DrugSupplyStore.com, attn: documentation, 1459 North Leroy St, Suite A, Fenton, MI 48430.