
Compound W Freeze Off Plantar Wart Removal Kit 8 Applications

Compound W $18.95
Directions Compound W Freeze Off Plantar Wart Removal Kit 8 Applications Easily and effectively remove plantar warts in as little as one treatment. It’s the same cryogenic method that doctors use to remove warts in as...
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Compound W Freeze Off Plantar Wart Removal Kit 8 Applications

Easily and effectively remove plantar warts in as little as one treatment. It’s the same cryogenic method that doctors use to remove warts in as little as one application.

  • Removes plantar warts in as few as 1 treatment
  • All-in-One kit includes pumice file & 12 comfort pads to help relieve pain
  • Freeze-Off applicator tip targets the wart and not the skin


  1. Soak foot with the plantar wart in warm water for 5 minutes. Dry thoroughly.
  2. File the plantar wart area with a pumice stone or pumice file before applying Compound W Freeze Off.
  3. Attach the applicator (stick with the foam tip) to the handle as shown. Firmly press the stick into the opening in the middle of the handle.
  4. Place the aerosol can firmly on a covered table or other sturdy surface. Caution! Do not hold the spray can near your face, or over parts of your body or clothing.
  5. Insert the handle, with the applicator attached, into the top of the canister. Line up notches in handle with the openings in the top of the canister.
  6. Keeping the canister upright and holding the canister firmly with one hand, press the handle downward until you hear a hissing sound. Continue to hold down for 2 to 3 seconds to saturate the applicator. You will hear a hissing sound for the entire period.
  7. After releasing the handle, wait 30 seconds, and then remove the handle with the attached applicator from the canister. The foam applicator should be saturated with cold liquid and have a frosty appearance. You may also smell some dimethyl ether.
  8. Lightly press the foam applicator for several seconds on the wart that is to be frozen. Do not swab.  Compound W Freeze Off should be applied immediately after removing the applicator from the canister. Hold the foam applicator on plantar warts on areas with thicker or calloused skin, such as the ball of the foot or the heel, for 40 seconds or less. Treat plantar warts occurring on less calloused areas of the foot, such as the arch of the foot or the toes, for 20 seconds or less.Included comfort pads can be used to protect the tender plantar wart area after treatment has been completed. Carefully remove pad from backing. Apply adhesive side of pad to the skin with hole directly over the small tender spot.
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